Monday, December 16, 2013

Make It Sew

I've been toying around with the idea of putting a name to my creations.  I once called my stuff "Earth Loom Creations". But although I liked that the name incorporated my connection to the earth, the name quickly lost its appeal. It felt chunky.  It just didn't roll off the tongue.

After the break from crafting that I took after I felt defeated by my wrist, I have mostly been sewing. I enjoy the beautiful things I can make and it doesn't hurt! "Earth Loom" doesn't really make sense any more.  Plus, I feel anew. And that refreshing feeling deserves a fresh new name.

I'm debating whether or not to go with something with the word "sew" in it.  It's a bit restrictive.  Just like "loom" rules out anything not woven, it rules out crafts that are not sewn.  

Just before starting this blog, I asked my mother for suggestions, then quickly came up with "Make It Sew" myself. For those of you unfamiliar, I enjoy the subtle reference to Star Trek. I like that it had "make" in it.  Which leads me think why not just go with "Make It So".  It still encompasses the craftiness with "make". Then again, having "sew" in there might keep me focused. 
I'm not thinking about making this into a business.  I'm still in the divorce stage of my last business.  But perhaps a hobby that I could make a little bit of craft supply money off of? ;)  

Consumed by the season

Christmas. It consumes most people at this time of year whether they want it to or not, as it has consumed me.

I have been posting about my Christmas experiences on Twitter. (I tend to use my twitter account for things that I don't actually want people to follow, since I have very few followers.) I've talked a bit about gift wrapping here, but I'll add that I have been busy with window painting,
tree hunting,
gingerbread houses,
photo albums, Yule pajamas
and ugly Xmas sweaters. (Pictures of ugly Xmas sweaters will be posted AFTER the Yule party)

But I digress... I admit that I have fallen into the consumer trap that is Christmas time.  I have bought things for crafts that I had every intention of having ready for stockings, yet will now not have time to finish. I have purchased things for friends and family that I'm sure they really don't need.  I have grabbed green and red packaged candy while I'm waiting in line for the till. I have even stocked up on supplies for baking - something I rarely ever do.

But this year I did something that I have not done before.  I asked all my family and friends to wrap their presents as green as possible - at the very least, any gifts for me. Reused gift bags, paper used as padding in packages, bows made from old magazines. This is how I have wrapped all my presents this year.  And everyone I talked to agreed that it was a splendid idea! 

Here is what I've done so far: 
I quite like the creativity required with unconventional mediums.  I hope everyone else has followed through with the green gift wrap theme, too! (I made that tree skirt, too, by the way.  ;)  )