I think this was one of the first things I ever learned to sew. So simple! They make cute gifts. Or you can keep a few different sets around for different occasions. Thought I'd share the how to.
2: Cut out 3 squares of fabric A and two of fabric B. Size depends on how big you'd like the coaster. I cut 4.5" (11.5cm) squares for a 4" (10cm) coaster. Just add half an inch to the size you'd like for the seams.
3: Fold two of the fabric A squares and both fabric B squares from one corner to the opposite for a right triangle and iron.
Repeat for a set and tie with ribbon to give as a gift.
Happy sewing!
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I can't wait to try these out. I never realized they were so simple to make :) I think they would work great as scented sachets as well if you tuck some herbs wrapped in cheese cloth or muslin inside them.