When I decided to set up my loom to make some bookmarks, I went for a four meter warp. I estimated that I could make nine bookmarks with that length. My little loom can't handle much longer than four meters anyway, but it would give me probably 3 more bookmarks than a three meter warp. You have to expect to lose about half a meter from the set up process.
As it turns out, I managed to get eleven bookmarks. I had a timer going the entire time and I checked it regularly. It took me an hour and a half to set up the loom for weaving. By the time I was finished weaving the first bookmark, the timer was at 2h 11m. Just over two hours to weave one bookmark. And that doesn't include agitating it in water, letting it dry and pressing it afterwards. That also meant that it took me about 40 minutes to do the weaving and the edges for one bookmark.
Part way through, I also switched shuttles. I didn't think that one of the ones with the bobbins would fit, but it did! And that saved me another 5 minutes per bookmark.
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And they are lovely. I like the stripey ones.